Last night my daughter and I had some play time with this guy for a fitting. I've been sewing a special outfit for his blessing. Sewing such tiny little armholes is very tricky. Just enough room for my presser fingers and barely pins. I finally hand sewed the sleeves in and then machined them. But the challenge was worth it for my newest grandchild. I still have to add a soft satiny blue bow tie and buttons in the back and he'll be ready for his big day.
BTW, the quilt he's laying on was his great grandfather's baby quilt.
P.S....I just had to edit my post to add a photo of the final product...all finished and pressed....not as cute as the baby...but cute.
How absolutely adorable and so special! Congratulations on his upcoming big day!
HI Annette - I think I used the same pattern for my grandson's blessing outfit. The collar gave me fits cuz it seemed too big so I cut it down a bit. He's adorable!
Oh so precious.I have 2 grown daughters and I want a grandson some course I would want them to have healthy babies but... boys are just to cute.
Congrats on his happy day.
Awww, he is just so cute! :-) Perfect little tux too. Have a happy day!
He's adorable, and so is his little suit! And to have such an heirloom quilt still in the family and usable....woohoo! That's awesome!
He is such a cutie in his new outfit...I love how it all turned out for you..
He is absolutely so cute and the little suit is gorgeous... and I so want to give him a cuddle xxx
Oh, he is so cute.
That is just so sweet...your new Grandson is adorable!!
They're both super cute Annette! I love that little blessing outfit!
So adorable, congrats for this happy day !
So cute! Both the baby and the outfit.
Awesome job! So cute! Jenn
Oh so very handsome!!!!!
I'm thoroughly impressed thatnyou would tackle a project like that! Great job, and gorgeous baby!
How cute is he?!? Worth every bit of trouble you had sewing that suit. Hope the day was a blessed one!
Soo sweet!! He is such a cute little guy!! Wel done, you sewed a beautiful outfit for him! god bless!
Hhhhmmmm nice.
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