Last night I took some scraps from a baby quilt I'm making for my daughter and turned them into this little mini quilt. It was a fun thing to do. I was happy with how my corners matched and it will look so pretty and cheerful on my wall with the other miniature quilts when it is finished.

Then this morning as I crawled out of bed, I took a second to look at the quilt I was laying under. I made it many years ago from leftover scraps from my projects and other people's projects. Not of the finest fabrics either, but I had fun working on it. And my mother and her friends got together and hand quilted it for me. I love to study this quilt while it's keeping me cozy. It has had a lot of use. Last year I went through chemo and spent quite a bit of time with that quilt and it was a big comfort.

I notice that quite a few of the points and corners don't match up at all. Some not even close. I chuckle and wonder what I was thinking when I made it, but I know I was having a good time putting it all together and proud of it. I love that quilt.

I think I am like that quilt, imperfect and made up of bits and pieces of others and their works, not bright and sparkly but hopefully a comfortable kind of person.
Maybe someday, with time and practice, I can be like the more polished and bright little quilt with better matched corners.