Jun 27, 2008
Jun 26, 2008
Thanks Rhonda
This was such a cute idea. My sister-in-law, Rhonda, taught me how to make it. It is a quick project, it took me less than 15 minutes to put together. I'm using mine as a first-aid kit for my car. They would also be nice as little sewing kits.
Start with a pretty hotpad, one that has the hanging loop in the center.
Sew sandwich bags along the center of the underside of the hotpad. You could use little snack bags or do like I did and just trim off the regular bags, after they are sewn in. I used six, three on each side.
Fold in half and sew a button on the front. Wrap the hanging loop around it and it's all finished.
The front view:

Labels: sewing, small projects
Jun 21, 2008
Enjoying the Butterflies and Flowers
Maybe its just because I'm having so much fun with it, but this quilt is coming along much faster than I thought it would. I admit I take every spare moment I find to work on it and because it has so many different elements, it keeps me intrigued. One minute I'm matching fabrics, next I am embroidering, then on to applique and all of a sudden I find that its all coming together and I'm ready to start matching fabrics again. I finished block one and am almost finished with the second one.
Labels: butterfly garden, quilting
Jun 16, 2008
Beautiful Butterflies
When I saw this quilt....it was love at first sight. It has everything: patchwork, applique, embroidery, hearts, flowers and butterflies. Finally today my pattern arrived in the mail and right away I was sorting through my stash looking for just the right fabrics to use. It will take me a while to make, I know, but it will be worth it. It is just gorgeous!
Labels: butterfly garden, quilting
Jun 13, 2008
Miniature Scotties
Hurray! Another UFO completed!
A while ago I was having fun making miniature quilts. It was a great way to test different designs without a lot of time or expense and, besides, I thought they were just so cute! I started this little quilt but before it was finished it got tucked away in a drawer and forgotten. I recently found it and wondered why I gave up on it when it was so close to being done. I spent an enjoyable afternoon working on it this week and now it is complete. It measures 13 inches by 16 inches.
It seemed too bright at first and maybe that's why I stashed it. But when I added the borders I decided I love it. It made me smile. Especially the little dog at the end...he is as mixed up as I seem to be some days.
Labels: applique, miniature quilt
Jun 7, 2008
Pincushion Fun
I probably only need one pincushion, maybe two, but they are just so fun to make. These are a few of my favorites and I use them all. The yellow flower pincushion was made just this afternoon using Polkadot Pineapple's tutorial. The stacking one is always on my work table to the left of my machine and the heart hangs on the right side of my sewing machine cabinet. The pins travel back and forth between those two. The tiny little flower, made from a milk bottle cap, goes with me when I'm working away from my sewing room.
Labels: sewing
Jun 5, 2008
Cute Little Kangaroos
I just got this month's pattern for Lynette Anderson's Noah's Ark and had to sit down right away and stitch it up. I think these little kangaroos are so adorable. They are very tiny, less than 2 inches tall. Now it will be a long wait until July's surprise block....hmmm wonder what animal will be next?
Labels: Noah's Ark BOM, quilting, stitchery