Finished Quilts:

Jun 30, 2009

A Special Hand-Me-Down

**This precious baby quilt was made by my grandmother for my dad when he was a baby.

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**Twenty one years later, when I was born, it became my baby quilt.

**Twenty six years passed by and the quilt was given to me to use for my two daughters. This time, however, instead of daily use, it was reserved just for special snuggle times. It had now gone through three generations of babies and was well worn. I added a few stitches to repair it and gently laundered it. I could see great value in this beautiful quilt. It had became a treasure.

**Twenty five years have slipped by again, and now I am cuddling my new little granddaughter in this same quilt. The quilt that was carefully made by her great-great grandmother. What an awesome thing that is!

Just the other day I was able to get a picture of generation #1 and generation #4 together with the quilt that four generations have now shared.

generations 1 and 4

I hope this quilt continues to be treasured and passed down. Who knows how many generations it will reach.

Jun 25, 2009

The Wind in our Willow

Have your ever tried taking a picture of the wind?

That is what it is like to attempt a picture of our new little friend Willow (aka Puppy Willow). She is a very busy little puppy.

Aha! Caught-cha! Isn’t she fun?

My latest project caught me by surprise too. I have been sewing fancy little collars for my kid’s dogs for years. So when this little girl came into our lives, the first thing I did was make her a fun wardrobe of collars.

I don't know if it's those big brown eyes on our model's face, or the collars themselves but people have really noticed them and like them and I have become busy making and selling them. So I've decided to spread my wings and set up an Etsy Shop and see what will happen.

Wish me luck!

Jun 22, 2009

Earth to Annette...hello?!

Well, I’m on my way back to earth now. It has been a glorious visit to “heaven.”
Thank you for your sweet comments. You are all the best!!

Even though I’ve been preoccupied I’ve still found time to sew on a new project that I want to share with you very soon. It’s one that I never in a million years guessed that I would be doing but I’m really having fun with it.

Here is a teeny tiny little hint:

I think it is kind of funny actually.
Stay posted.

Jun 15, 2009

Spending time with an Angel

Sorry I haven't posted. I've been happily preoccupied with my baby and her new baby. Isn't she beautiful?