Finished Quilts:

Jun 25, 2009

The Wind in our Willow

Have your ever tried taking a picture of the wind?

That is what it is like to attempt a picture of our new little friend Willow (aka Puppy Willow). She is a very busy little puppy.

Aha! Caught-cha! Isn’t she fun?

My latest project caught me by surprise too. I have been sewing fancy little collars for my kid’s dogs for years. So when this little girl came into our lives, the first thing I did was make her a fun wardrobe of collars.

I don't know if it's those big brown eyes on our model's face, or the collars themselves but people have really noticed them and like them and I have become busy making and selling them. So I've decided to spread my wings and set up an Etsy Shop and see what will happen.

Wish me luck!


  1. Oh what a cute face!! Love the keychains. Good luck with the etsy store. It is funny, orders come in spurts so don't get discouraged! or encouraged! ha but I've seen some really popular bloggers charge tons for things and make huge $.

  2. oh, good luck! the collars are adorable...and willow is just precious! ☺

  3. p.s. where did you get the little cartoon girl and lizard on your sidebar? adorable...i want one!

  4. Annette, your puppy is so cute. The collars are such a great idea. If I had a place to walk my dog I would definitely buy one but we don't walk our dog around where I live because of lots of big dogs.
    I wish you luck in selling them all.

  5. Annette, your puppy is adorable, and the collars...superb!

    Good luck with your etsy shop!

  6. What a cute puppy! I love her name. I'd certainly be interested in your collars. We try to send all of our schnauzer-babies to their new home with a collar. Let me know where I can "shop", okay? Looking forward to seeing more pictures of the new two-legged baby :o)

  7. That's such a cute picture of her sweet little face! And how cute are those collars!? I'm sending my mother-in-law the link to your shop. She's gonna love these!

  8. Your puppy is soo cute! Love the cute collars as well!

  9. Annette, your puppy is adorable, and the collars beautiful !Are they made in fabric ?
    My own dog ' Patch' has gone missing one month ago, some days after I post a pic on my blog...never find again !

  10. That is a gorgeous puppy!

    And the little collars are so pretty.. if I had a sweet little dog I would buy one. Good luck in your shop!

  11. Good luck with your new adventure... Willow sure is a cutie..

  12. Oh this doggy is so sweet. I love it!

    Best wishes from Germany,
