Finished Quilts:

Jun 30, 2009

A Special Hand-Me-Down

**This precious baby quilt was made by my grandmother for my dad when he was a baby.

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**Twenty one years later, when I was born, it became my baby quilt.

**Twenty six years passed by and the quilt was given to me to use for my two daughters. This time, however, instead of daily use, it was reserved just for special snuggle times. It had now gone through three generations of babies and was well worn. I added a few stitches to repair it and gently laundered it. I could see great value in this beautiful quilt. It had became a treasure.

**Twenty five years have slipped by again, and now I am cuddling my new little granddaughter in this same quilt. The quilt that was carefully made by her great-great grandmother. What an awesome thing that is!

Just the other day I was able to get a picture of generation #1 and generation #4 together with the quilt that four generations have now shared.

generations 1 and 4

I hope this quilt continues to be treasured and passed down. Who knows how many generations it will reach.


  1. What a great tradition;) What a beautiful quilt and what a wonderful family;)

  2. No price can pay this quilt which is passed on from generation to generation and hopefully many more generations. This beautiful quilt is a real treasure.

  3. Isn't that what we hope will happen to all the quilts we make?

    I hope that mine will be passed from generation to generation to be loved and appreciated...the same way I feel about the antique quilts that have found their way into my home.

    What a heart warming story, Annette and an absolutely gorgeous quilt! You've just made my day!

  4. What a gorgeous quilt and what wonderful memories. I have a quilt made by my grandma for me. I haven't used it with Mr. E, but maybe today I will.

  5. thank you for this story! i dream that one day this will happen to my quilts.... is there a label on this quilt? i hope so... even if there is i suggest taking a piece of muslin and writing the history of who has used it and keeping it with or sewing it onto the back so that someday nobody forgets where it started and the journey it has taken!

  6. so wonderful....that baby will have a wonderful quilt and all the lovely memories that it holds

  7. I can't believe it has held up! It is really a work of art. It is so beautiful. What a family treasure.

  8. What a precious treasure. And now another precious treasure can be wrapped up it the quilt. The swans are such a great design. What memories you can all share.

  9. That's what quilting is all about! What a wonderful treasure you have in that quilt, and that picture!


  10. I love it! And now you've blogged about it so it's recorded! What a true treasure!

  11. Love it! That's great that the quilt and love has lasted so long and is being shared for generations!

  12. These pictures of her in the blankie with Grandpa will be treasures forever!! thanks for getting Brynlee to calm down and take a nap. You = Lifesaver :)

  13. How wondeerful it has made it for so long. Enjoy that baby. I just last night became a great grandma. I love her dearly already.

  14. Your post brought tears to my eyes. That's what quilting is all about, isn't it. I just found your blog, and think I might stay for a little bit! Sounds like we're about at the same stage in life--I have one married daughter, one engaged son, and one granddaughter.

  15. How wonderful to have such a well loved quilt to hand down through the generations.

  16. What a wonderful tradition! The quilt looks fantastic!

  17. I have no memory of that quilt. Love the picture with dad.

  18. What an incredibly precious quilt and so cute too! And of course a most precious little girl - what a darling! Thanks for sharing!

  19. That is awesome. I love the photo of the baby on that quilt.
