Finished Quilts:

Jun 29, 2010

Dishtowel Quilt

dishtowel quilt

I cut into those precious dishtowels and now have them pieced into a quilt.  I used 30’s repro fabrics plus a few others that go well with the whole theme.  I love these colors together with the dishtowels and I’ve had lots of fun playing with them.

The pinwheels are the colors of our wedding, blue and yellow (although ours were much softer).  We chose those because Mr. Sunshine’s favorite color is blue and mine is yellow.  A good match (in more ways than one).☺

Now for borders.  I have a few ideas…

daisy name

Jun 21, 2010

What do you think?


find you a partnersomeone whos shy 

chase that partnerkiss him on the sly

 love that partner make yourself his wife

count your blessing the rest of your life

These awesome dishtowels were given to me 32 years ago at my wedding shower.  They were made especially for me by my friend Karen, who I haven’t seen for many years. I adored these when I first saw them.  I still do.  They have sat in the linen closet all this time because I don’t want to dry dishes with them.  So I just pull them out once in a while to look at and then back they go. 

For some reason, they popped into my head first thing out of bed this morning and I wondered if they could be made into a quilt!  A light bulb moment!  The towels aren’t quilt material, but for me it would be just a special quilt, maybe one that could lay at the foot of our bed.

Do you think this is a wise idea?

Any advice?

daisy name

Jun 13, 2010

Scrap Bag

new bagI was sorting through the scrap bins when these two fabrics landed beside each other on the table.  When I noticed them, they struck me as ideal for that new bag I’ve been needing.  I found a third scrap to match and all together there was just barely enough to do it.  So this became my weekend project - made entirely from the scrap bin.  Woohoo!

Mr. Sunshine and I also planned to get some outdoor projects done but the weather wouldn’t cooperate.  This past week we’ve had lots of rain, wind and chilly cold.  So weird for June.  Instead, we spent the time playing indoors with our granddaughters.  Which is way more fun than yard work. 

daisy name

Jun 8, 2010

Honey I shrunk the quilt!

page 30

On page 30 of the latest AP&Q magazine is an awesome quilt called “Summer Salsa” designed by Kathie Holland.  It just jumped right out and begged me to make it!  (Maybe it’s all that sunshine yellow).   But I already have a few too many unfinished quilts going at the moment and I don’t dare start another one.  So, instead, I decided to shrink it down into a small project. 


The original quilt is 77” x 85” with 6” blocks.  My little quilt has 1 1/2” blocks and finished at 17” x 19.” 

little salsa

It was a fun thing to try!  

(By the way, I’ve decided the skitty-wampus blocks together with the wavy lines could possibly make one a bit seasick, so I will be more careful with that from now on).

daisy name