Finished Quilts:

Jan 14, 2010

Marvelous Mail


This little one (complete with her sock on her head) and I had great fun opening packages today after our mailman came by.   It was almost like Christmas all over again. 


First was a pretty package filled with sweet fabric and a darling quilt pattern.  It was sent to me from Kris for the One Project a Month challenge.   My name was drawn from the list of those who hung in there all year long.  It was such a good program that I have signed up again for another year.  Thank you so much Kris! You are very thoughtful.


Inside another package was a book.  My name was drawn for a gift certificate to Cottage Quilts from the One Year of Schnibbles group.  I have been admiring this book by Kim Brackett for awhile and knew that was what I was spending my certificate on.  Watch out, my huge bundle of scraps, I have big plans for you now! 029

And last, but not least, ….My favorite TV series of all time…..Columbo! Every year for Christmas my dear Mr. Sunshine gives me the latest Columbo series that’s been put out on DVD.  This year we both kind of forgot about it until afterwards.  But he sent for it anyway because it arrived in today’s mail.  Just a couple more years and I will have collected all of them.  I never get tired of watching this guy solve the mystery!  I’m really looking forward to this evening when I settle down in front of the TV with my hand stitching and Columbo!

daisy name


  1. what a wonderful day of gifts! Columbo...he was such a character...

  2. What a fun day...Opening gifts with the little one.....she sure is a cutie

  3. The little girl is so cute! What a fun day this was for the both of you!

  4. Hey Annette! Glad you liked your surprise prize and hope you have lots of fun playing with them! :0) Had a giggle about your Columbo addiction ... I collect the Midsomer Murders series and I can watch them over and over, too. All in all it looks like you've got enough books, patterns, fabric and DVD entertainment to keep you occupied happily for quite a while! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS

  5. Columbo....I've not thought of that show in ages, I loved him, and that crumpled rain coat!

    I've been looking for a good strip book, maybe when you make some of the quilts in that book I'll give it a try.

    Love the Cutie Patootie in the pink dots!

  6. Wonderful gifts!The pattern and the book are a great source of inspiration! I love the first picture, she looks so sweet! What fun opening those parcels with her!

  7. You'll really enjoy that book, I've finished my first quilt from it already.

  8. What great fun gifts Annette. Good for you.

  9. Oh, I just want to hug that little punkin'! She's adorable.

    I'm so flattered that you ordered my book with your gift certificate. I hope you have lots of fun using all your scraps!

  10. I've been eyeing that Scrap Basket Surprises book myself. I look forward to seeing what it inspires you to do. And Columbo on DVD!?! He is one of my favorites, but I guess I never realized I could get him on DVD - I usually just try to catch him when he is on TV, which never seems to be when I am at home. What a great idea, and such fun for a hand stitching companion. Lucky you!

  11. I've seen so much of Scrap Basket Surprises all around blogland that when I saw it in the book section of Joanns and all of them 50% last month I passed on it simply b/c I was too confused - I thought I already owned it!!! eek! and now I discovered I don't and am kicking myself! :P

    oh well next time I'll pick one up wiht a coupon ;)

    have you seen the quiltalong for this book offered at fatquarterquilts website???

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie

  12. What an adorable little girl!
