Finished Quilts:

May 5, 2009

Multi-tasking or ADD?

I have finished four more hexagon flowers so now I have 13 done and am still stitching on them every evening. I am having fun working on three terrific BOM projects (Verandah Views, 12 Months of Baskets, and Gail’s A Christmas Wish). Two miniature quilts are in progress (a bow tie and a Baltimore Album). I have siggy blocks going and participating in a quilt along and desperately want to join another one. My Butterfly Garden that I started 9 months ago needs just three more little blocks to embroider. And there is a quilt for my bedroom wall that needs quilted along with a table runner.

Sigh....So much going on but here I go again…

I have been so inspired by Sherri and Vanessa and Kaaren’s Dresden quilt blocks that I couldn’t help myself, I am starting another project. I bought a Moda scrap bag a while ago and it seemed perfect for this. I got 240 blades out of it and have a bit of fabric left. I will need more for the centers, background and such.

But I love the fabrics and I think it will be pretty. And it has just been so enjoyable to work on.


  1. It keeps you young to have lots of projects! :-)

    Hey.. I like hat tall redtangle pin ushing there too. All full of pretty yellow pins. :-)

  2. I'm going with ADD! Enjoy!!!

  3. I think you are just like any other sane quilter, lots of projects in the works. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that :) !!! I am in awe of you, you now have 13 GFG's, I just finished my 12th. Posted today about them. Loving every single moment of putting them together.

  4. Hi Annette, I'm so glad I'm not the only one that has ADD, oh I meant Multi-tasking creative person. LOL.
    Love the dresden blocks.
    Keep Stitchen'

  5. HOT HOT HOT!!! Multi tasking vs ADD..I was reading an article last night in my quilt guild newsletter and the article encouraged having several projects going at the same time...some handwork by the phone...something to take in the car...a sewing machine project...etc. You're right on with all of your LIW's (Ladies In Waiting);)

  6. I too have SEVERAAAAAAAAL projects at the same time (like any other quilter).At each visit on your blog, I want to start/try something other...........ooooh!!!Kiss from France

  7. Good luck with ALL your projects... :o)
    You wll have wonderful quilts when they are finished..and they will be some day.. love your dresdens... long to start mine too.. :o)

  8. Love your fabrics. I recently did a dresden plate tutorial and now I'm seeing dresden plates everywhere; well not because of my tutorial but I'm just noticing them more now. :o) I just finished 240 blades and now to finish 6 blocks. I can't wait to see your project finished!!!

  9. Love that fabric Annette! You go girl! I think I can see the trail of smoke from your sewing machine from here!

    Now don't forget to come up for air once in a while.

  10. I love dresden plate blocks and have two of them started. They are sooo pretty and I love the colors in yours.

  11. So cute. I love the dresden plates. And I'm seeing them all over. It makes me want to drop everything I'm doing and rush to cut them out! Yours are darling.

  12. I'll say multi-tasking...or maybe quilting hyperactivity disorder!!! I LOVE your fabrics...what line is it? I think I might have to take a chance and get a scrapbag!

  13. I'm going with quilters ADD, I have it too. Hey, go with it & have fun. That's what I try to do. :)

  14. What beautiful fabrics in that scrap bag!! Your dresdens are going to look amazing! I have often wondered about buying a scrap bag...worried the fabrics might not be the best, but your bag has changed my mind. :-)

  15. I should have a dresdan plate ruler in the mail colours look great..........

  16. Which one .... MT or ADD ..... I've got both! Love the fabric you used for your Dresden Plates.

  17. Hey Anette, You have been very busy. I just wanted to let you know that I got my very pretty siggie from you on Saturday. Thanks a lot.

  18. Goodness gracious, Annette. You're one busy woman with a ton of projects in progress.
    No ADD, I think that you just have an immense love of beautiful fabric and quilts!
