Finished Quilts:

Feb 6, 2013

finished…oops! maybe not


Finally all finished with the top and wanted to get a quick picture before its off to be quilted and given away.  Not a good picture …there isn’t much light on this cold winter day.

Not until I looked at it here on the computer, did I finally notice that really obvious mistake!  Do you see it?  I never saw it before…even though I checked and rechecked as I worked on it. 

Wow! The tricks your eyes can play on you!

But it will be fixed before the day is out.

I also finished the book I was reading in my last post.  I enjoyed it till the last third of the book and then I hated it.  Just skim-read to the ending so I could call it done and in case it had a surprise good ending…but there wasn’t one.

But oh well, I started a new one already and I know I’m going to love it because I’m a fan of the series.  I’ll tell you more about it next “Whatcha Reading Tuesday.”


  1. I think it looks perfect! Have a great day!!

  2. Oh no!!! I don't see where that piece is suppose to go though so maybe it can be a quick fix.

  3. Oops! I've done the same thing, finished and not seen the mistake until the picture! It's okay, we are in good company ~

  4. OH, OOPS!!! LOL... I adore this quilt. I have looked at this pattern over and over again and know that I have to make it one day soon. But I have to tell you...I was complaining to my dear SIL, a custom Long Arm quilter, one day about getting the borders on a large quilt before seeing a small but GLARING mistake and she gave me the best piece of advice anyone has ever given me. She told me that before I sew any rows together on any quilt, to lay them out the way I want them and then take a photo, load it onto the computer and look at it. Like magic the mistakes we have checked and rechecked for but have missed, even very subtle ones, will jump right out at us when we look at it on the computer. That advice has saved me lots of unpicking time. I do this every time I'm ready to assemble my quilt blocks now. big Hugs...

  5. I had to look several times before I saw the mistake. It is really a treasure. I can't believe you are giving it away. But that is what we do I guess.

  6. I love it, Annette. It's fabulous!
