Finished Quilts:

Aug 27, 2012

Look what I found


These little alphabet stitcheries were tucked away in a drawer in my sewing room.


Now they are out of the drawer and up on my design wall and I have been playing with fabric and ideas on how to set them.


Then I got on my computer program and came up with this.

I started stitching these years ago…way before I even had a blog. The cute stitcheries are from Lynda Howell at The Stitch Connection and are supposed to be in redwork and make a beautiful quilt… but I wanted colorful and a little bit different.

I had just 7 letters to go when, for some reason, I set them aside.  This time around I ought to be able to buckle down and finish them.

Aug 22, 2012

The grand finale


My Building Houses from Scraps quilt all quilted and bound.

It feels so good to have it all finished at last.



With all those tiny seams, it is a heavy, warm quilt.



I chose to add a scalloped border. 

My first attempt at that and now I know I'll do it again. 

Really fun!

Aug 13, 2012

tears for a sick sewing machine


I’m still cranking out blocks for my latest scrap quilt. 

I have 34 so far…



Only because of this sweet little Featherweight machine, have I been able to keep going …since my Bernina is very ill. 

She started sounding more like a machine gun than a hum…and that can’t be good!!  She had a check up recently and a clean bill of health so it was totally unexpected.

I’m hoping she recovers quickly and can play with me again soon…

but in the meantime… the Featherweight and I are spending time together.

Aug 6, 2012

Other things

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Seems I sure spend a lot of time at the sewing machine…

…of course, it must be because I enjoy it so much.  It’s a relaxing, fun, creative outlet and so easy pick up and put down in between my daily activities.

But over the weekend I occupied myself with other things.

This little sculpture has been a part of my life since I was a little girl, when my dad built a lamp post for the front yard and put this on it with our family name… Robbins… robins…  get it?

They don’t live in that house anymore so he recently took it down and is going to use it elsewhere now.  It was pretty weathered so I painted it for them over the weekend.  Now it’s all fresh and new

…and I enjoyed playing with a good memory and thinking a little about my heritage and family name. 

I also enjoyed pulling out my paints again.  It’s been a long time.

But for now and for this week I’ll be back at my beloved sewing machine.

Aug 1, 2012

Feeling Scrappy


Time to clean out the old scrap bin again…

and make those little pieces into something useful.


Thanks to Mishka for the fun idea…

and to Susan for an awesome design!