Finished Quilts:

Jun 27, 2012

yummy jam, a sewing box and little houses…

009 I’ve been busy picking cherries off the tree by our patio and turning them into Sour Cherry Jam….oh soooo delicious!!  A touch of tart with a little sweetness.



And this sewing box that Mr. Sunshine and I bought when we were in Astoria, Oregon (where we dove into an antique shop to get out of the rain and found it)…


020   I took it all apart and have been sanding it down and getting it ready to refinish.



And I’m back to my houses again.  I reworked my center block a little…found a couple to put in the window and added a sentiment that feels like the theme of this quilt.



My house total for end of June is 295 houses.

Only 71 more to go.

It’s getting exciting!!

Jun 12, 2012


068 All done!  And hanging in my kitchen.

I took the quilt outside for pictures but the sun is much too bright to get a good one.  While I was out there I looked around in our garden and found these…



Our tomatoes and green peppers are loving all that good sunshine. 

One of my favorite things of summer…fresh tomatoes from our own garden.  I’m getting excited!

Jun 10, 2012

Log Cabin Star Quilt


These log cabin blocks have been the “star” of my sewing room lately…



Only two more rows to go…



…and then I can get back to my neglected little houses again.

Jun 4, 2012

enjoying summer


My total house count to date is 234.  Only 18 houses this past month… oops…  good thing I was already ahead.  I promise I’m still hanging in there to the finish.



But who can blame me… I have been a little side tracked spending time with these two… and the rest of the family.  Our summer has been pretty full so far.



And I also got a little distracted with a new project.  I saw a log cabin quilt on page 47 of the latest Quilt Sampler magazine (Broken Star Log Cabin) and I was smitten.  Now the house blocks have to share sewing time with my new log cabin blocks.  These will finish at 4 1/2”.



Oh, and I’m not the only one who’s been busy …  I spied these while visiting at my mother-in-law’s home.  This huge vase holds almost 500 yo-yo’s!  They are awesome to look at and my granddaughter calls them flowers.  I just had to share them with you.