Finished Quilts:

Apr 22, 2010

I shouldn’t…

But it looks like I will. 

test klosjes

I’ve been watching many of you hand-stitching away on your Klosjes.  So awesome to see them growing into piles of blocks from little scraps.  I just love it!!  I had to try them out.  And they are fun.

“But Annette!  You are already busy working on a hand sewing project…

hexagon flower

…so Klosjes are a no-no!” 

Hmmm…but then again, I’m overwhelmed with scraps.  I save them all, even tiny ones.  They are so pretty that I can’t bear to toss them.

scraps fabric central

I think I have more scraps than fabric, actually.  My ‘Stack 0 Scraps’ reaches almost to the ceiling. 

jar o scraps

Plus other smaller stashes here and there. Klosjes would be such a beautiful way to use and enjoy them.

So I guess I will succumb.

the start of a klosje quilt

Klosjes here I come!

daisy name


  1. Those are cute! They remind me of spools of thread...
    Mom, when are we going to pick out the background fabric for your other project???

  2. I am desperately trying to resist! :o) Your blocks look lovely! I wish I had your fabric stash! :o)))

  3. Wow,your fabrics ,threads, everything are organized beautifully! Klosjes is cute.

  4. Your threads & fabrics storage make me dream !!!
    Who can resist to Klosjes ?

  5. I'm sooooooo tempted. I think what's stopping me is I don't know where to find a pattern and I'm not clever enough to figure it out on my own. Hint, hint. *wink*

  6. I love seeing all the very cute spools. A quilt I absolutely want to the future. :o) Looking forward to following your progress.

  7. That is a very pretty rainbow of scraps you have there! And all so neatly contained. Your spools are adorable and how could you resist making them!

  8. Oh, you have jumped on the bandwagon. lol Lookin' good.
    Even your scrap containers look good all sort by color. Mine are all thrown in a bag and I am getting ready to take them to my bee to share.

  9. Your scraps containers looks just perfect, what a great idea! Do succumb! Your Klosjes will turn out beautiful! Is there any better way to use up your scraps? I don't think so!

  10. Hahaha! Good Luck! They ARE adorable!

  11. oh just do them............while the motivation from the group is there........seems to be quite a few making them...........have fun.........and such an organised sewing area........

  12. They are so addictive and fun to do ... they make up so quickly! Welcome to the gang!

  13. I can't think of a better way to sue some scraps!!! Such cute blocks.

  14. You are so organized.....I am envious....

  15. How Lovely they I was not going to start another project... I have cut my template sorted some scraps found a neat box put in thread thimble and needles just ready waiting for some hand stitching this evening.I am so envious of your work room wish I could be as well organised as you Annette mmm must get some of those containers have a lovely day :)

  16. You are so talented. I love your blog. I couldn't stop looking at all the beautiful things you make. You are an inspiration to me as I am only beginning!

  17. Your scraps looks so beautiful all stacked up and colour coded! I can see why you had to make this block!

  18. The hexagons have really sucked me into their world...
    I'm wanting to work more on my dear jane journey that I'm just beginning.... BUT I now see your lovely use of the french map fabric, which I have! so cute!

  19. I love how organized everything looks, wish my room looked half that good!

  20. Your room is so nice and under control. It is ok to save those scraps if you can have a place for them. Your blocks are amazing. Love the yellow in the pic. Yellow makes me happy.

  21. Welcome to the world of Klosjes Annette! I too have lots of other projects, including hexagons at the moment but who can resist these little spools!

  22. LOL ..... welcome to the gang and your klosjes are looking good!!

  23. I am in awe of your orderliness!
