Finished Quilts:

Jul 27, 2011

sew red she said now go to bed


The reds were already cut for me.  All I had to do was cut some white fabric and I was ready to start sewing.  6 blocks done and 10 left to go.  Not bad for a late evening’s work.


Until I lost my senses and did this!


Instead of this.


This little square is not like the others…


I trimmed it before realizing my mistake so it can’t be saved. And it was the only piece of fabric I had like that.  Sheesh!

That’s when you know it’s time to stop and go get ready for bed.


Jul 24, 2011

red all over


Look at this gorgeous variety of red and white fabric squares. 

polka dot block swap 125

I just got my package from Karen’s red/white swap and they are awesome!  All 125 of them!


That meant Karen sorted 15,625 five inch squares of fabric for the swappers!  She’s amazing!!  Thank you so much Karen, it was fun. 

And thanks to all the other swappers.  Great fabric choices.

Don’t you think the squares will be just perfect for something like this?


Jul 6, 2011

Puppies for baby


We have a new grandson on the way…due in September.  So I’ve been working on a quilt just for him.


For some time, I’ve had my eye on the adorable, Baby’s Bow Wow Blankie by Bonnie Sullivan, and finally decided it would be just perfect for this occasion.
