Finished Quilts:

Dec 11, 2009

One Thing I Can Share

All this year I have been playing along with May Britt and Kris’s “One Finish A Month” project.  I have quite a few finishes for this month but I can’t post them because they are Christmas surprises.  However, I can show you this one. 

for blog

I got this idea from Penny.  It rang a bell when I came across it because I have an overflowing amount of scraps.  So I quickly sat down, cut a bunch of them into strips and sewed them back together into this quilt.  I just finished binding it last night. 

None of the fabrics I used were necessarily bright or bold, but when I put them all together, surrounded them with white and gave them a busy border, I ended up with one cheerful, colorful quilt!  I like it and so does our friend Willow.

willow and quilt

Besides Christmas sewing I am also enjoying the Christmas Advent Swap.  First thing after I jump out of bed every morning I open another gift from Teresa.  What a great way to start a day.  Do you notice all the pretty yellow?  Teresa knows what I like and has made it so fun!

christmas name


  1. Your quilt is beautiful - the border fabric is perfect for it, as well! I want to try that design one of these days!
    And love all the yellow gifties!

  2. Annette! It turned out so fabulous! I'm with Angela, love that border fabric you chose for it, it's perfect. Thank-you so much for emailing me and sharing this with me, it totally made my day!

  3. I really like this quilt. I have a HUGE bucket of strings I'm trying to use up. This will be a great idea for the next quilt. Thanks for sharing the link.

  4. Your quilt is perfect. All the colors work perfectly together.
    Your advent gifts are great. How fun to have a gift each day.

  5. I love the quilt. Your totally right about it being bright and cheery. Very happy.

  6. The quilt is wonderful. Love the colours and the border is perfect. What a gorgeous quilt you have made. I'm glad you are enjoying the advent swap... I am loving it and having so much fun...Have a great day xx

  7. Love the colors of your quilt! What a great idea to use up your scraps.

  8. That quilt is wonderful! I think that may be on my list of quilts to make!

  9. Annette, that quilt is just gorgeous. You did a beautiful job!

  10. What a happy quilt. The colors are amazing and work so well together.

    Your productivity constantly amazes me, Annette. Beautiful gifts as well.

  11. Oh my Gosh!! Such a beautiful quilt, with the combination of colors. I love what you have done with the scraps.

  12. Annette, what an absolutely stunning quilt and the combination of colours certainly as pop when next to each other. Beautiful.

  13. This is gorgeous!!! The border fabric is perfect .... did I mention this quilt is gorgeous?

  14. What a fun little quilt! Great way to use up those scraps.

  15. Annette...that quilt is truly GORGEOUS!!!! STUNNING!!!!!

  16. Annette, your quilt is just gorgeous. You did a beautiful job!

  17. It is lovely. It reminds me of the little paint boxes we had when we were kids. I used to love to open a new paint box and see each perfect color. It really is sweet.

  18. Oh, that is a fabulous quilt! What a great finish, well done!

  19. great quilt!! i love how you used the colors!

  20. I'm currently working on a quilt like this, and I absolutely love it! Your choice of border fabric is perfect.
