Finished Quilts:

Aug 15, 2009

Scrappy Sampler

Three years ago after reading Jennifer Chiaverini’s book “The Master Quilter”, I became fascinated with the quilt in the story: Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler. Jennifer generously shared the patterns on-line and I decided to attempt my first sampler quilt. My sister, Tricia, joined me in the fun. She lives miles away so we shared our efforts through email and scanners. I am also part of a group of quilters around the world who are making these blocks together.

sampler blocks 1

I am still working on it. I have finished 76 blocks and I think that is enough for a comfy quilt. It has been a scrappy quilt, using up my fabric leftovers. So I am making the sashings the same way…scrappy. I like how this looks so far.

sampler blocks 2

Hopefully I’ll have a top finished soon. Lets see if I can have it all the way done before another three years goes by.

By the way, Jennifer has many other books published too. Very good reading.



  1. I love your beautiful Sylvia Bridal Sampler blocks! I love the books too

    I hope to start making my own SBS quilt this coming winter. Good luck with finishing yours!

  2. That is going to be one gorgeous sampler quilt. I can't wait to see it finished. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hi Annette, your blocks look great...looking forward to seeing it together! Will have to investigate the book and this quilt, I am intrigued!! Have a lovely day, Cathyx

  4. I see lots of very interesting blocks and all look very well made. I like the fabrics you have chosen to use. I am familiar with Sylvia's Bridal Sampler but have not done anything about making one.

  5. What a gorgeous quilt this is going to become, Annette. I just love the blocks that you have shown us. No pressure intended but please hurry so we can see the whole quilt. (wink)

    Love your new header as well!

  6. Wonderful, as always ! I too have made some of the Sylvia Bridal Sampler blocks, in more controlled scrappy look and...less blocks as you ! Another thing I started and never finished ...arghhhhhhh !
    I love your new header (how do you make that ? )

  7. Your blocks look great! I can't wait to see your quilt done!!!

  8. Holy Smokes! You've won another giveaway over at Simply This and That - you're on a roll lady! Congratulations! - Marlene

  9. I am in love with those books too! Read them all. I also was fascinated by the sampler. But I was too late to join in on the fun when I found it online. But since her new book came out with all the patterns published, I did purchase it and hope to get to it someday! I love how yours are looking, simply fantastic.

  10. I am loving your new logo! I just saw you won on Jody's congratulations!

  11. You are much farther along than I am. I do plan to finish mine but I have no idea when that might happen!

  12. Annette, your blocks are beautiful! I can't wait to see them put together!

  13. The SBS-blocks are so beautiful. I love scrappy quilts!

  14. Some really great blocks. What a fun project. Love your new header.

  15. Congratulations on being the winner from Jodi from Simply This and That!!! Yeah for you!! I think it is so great that you are making Sylvia's Bridal Sampler! I read all the books and loved everyone! I also want to make that quilt! Your colors are wonderful!!!! Please post photos as you make progress!

  16. Forgot to say, I have become a follower of yours and please come visit me at and become a follower!

  17. I'm so glad I stopped by, this will be a gorgeous quilt with lovely colors. I've become a follower and would like to extend an invite to you to stop by...


  18. the blocks look great...can't wait to see the finished quilt
