Finished Quilts:

Sep 22, 2008

My new book tote

This little bag designed by Natalie at Cinderberry Stitches is just the ideal size for toting along a paperback to read. I am a reader so this will get a lot of use. I loved the pattern and it will be a keeper for my favorite pattern file. Thanks so much for sharing it Natalie.


  1. Annette, this bag is darling! I love the color combination you used for the fabrics. I'll be doing something with that same pattern by Natalie, but not making a bag out of it. I love to see how different people have used the Angel Swap patterns and changed them up a little. Very clever!


  2. Hello Annette,
    your yellow bag is beautiful, what cheerful colours (same is your blog ;o) - it makes me smile and thinking of summer). And what a great idea to use it as book tote - I'm literally a bookworm, so it's just perfect. If I didn't already wanted to make one for my own, you'd convinced me!
    Hugs, Julia

  3. I just love your version of this bag! It is beautiful. Great size for those paperbacks. I think it may go into my keeper pile too. Hopefully, I will get the chance to make it soon.

  4. Your bag is beautiful...I've got my stitchery done for it, but haven't yet put it together. Thanks for sharing your lovely bag!

  5. Your bag is so cute. I have not made mine yet. I love your fbric choices.

  6. the bag is so cute...great job:) I just got an e-mail and we are in the same group for Nanette's christmas exchange:)

  7. Gorgeous little bag. We are in the same group for the Christmas block exchange. This should be so fun.

  8. The colours in your bag are very appealing. could you tell me the colours you used for the stitching? What is the range you have made the little tote from? I Love it.

  9. Love you little bag!! Nice fabrics....Cathyx
