Finished Quilts:

Jul 22, 2008

The mystery of the missing French knots

And after...
Ulla found the missing French knots. She has pretty good eyes. I like doing puzzles myself. Maybe she does too. The little tiny knots sure add that extra charm to the wallhanging. Amazing what dots can do :-)

Jul 14, 2008

More Christmas in July

I'm still singing Jingle Bells! This pattern was from Wildcraft Farm. I've held on to it for a long time and now it is finally done. Except...when I looked at this picture I noticed that I forgot to stitch four little French knots. Funny. Can you spot where they should go? Where's my needle?...I'll take care of that right away.

Jul 11, 2008

My Christmas in July

Seems everyone is caught up in the fun of "Christmas in July". I want to join in the party and so this tiny ornament is my contribution. I was singing "Jingle Bells" while I worked on it. What a great feeling! I think I'll make more and keep the spirit going.

Jul 9, 2008

Redwork Exchange

This redwork project is on its way to Lynette in Australia. It is part of an exchange where she sent me the beautiful rose fabric, which I had to use in a redwork wallhanging and send back. Soon a surprise will be coming my way with fabric I mailed over to her. So fun.

Jul 7, 2008

Teeny Tiny Two-inch Elephants

The housework was finished quickly just so I could sit and stitch these darling little elephants. It was fun but much too soon finished. Now I have to wait a whole long month for another pair of animals.

Jul 5, 2008

After the dust has settled

Last weekend my husband, Craig, and I stopped by a garage sale and I met the work table of my dreams. I bought it, even though I had no idea how it was going to fit into my already full sewing room. This led to a whirlwind of rearranging furniture and STUFF, not only in my room but other rooms too, and painting and cleaning. After many days, its all done, the table fits beautifully and I'm very happy with it.

Even tackling this extra big project, I still managed to get my stitching in and completed another quilt block. I have other things to work on as well so I may have to slow down a little...but I'm not stopping. My sister, Holly, gave me a goal to have it finished by my birthday in September and I'm shooting for that.